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Late Nights

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ShiftPoint is an amazing product because of how it allows me to streamline my processes and have a coherent and concise business image. From the intuitive and easy to use DMS to the attractive and well laid out website, it creates a professional virtual atmosphere in which to conduct business. The symphony between the DMS and the website is key to me. I also appreciate the little touches like the watermarked inventory photos and having my logo on my Buyers Orders. Lastly, and most importantly, the customer service that the Owner, Tom Droz, provides is second to none. Knowing that he is available and willing to help via phone, email and text allows for a personal relationship and creates peace of mind.


Low cost, easy to use, many reports, all forms needed, printed and automatically populated for state DMV (NY). Actual person answers the phone. New enhancements and improvements constantly added showing that Tom the owner and designer really cares about his product and supplying GREAT service.
ShiftPoint is great for a dealer like me, it has the tools of the 'Franchise' guys along with all the things I need to get the job done and look professional. All at an affordable price.